Thursday 19 November 2015

Thinking time

I built a driveway for my house this week so I didn't get much done on the robotics project. I did go to the society meeting and it was probably the best yet. The format was a show and tell so we all turned up, setup the robot we'd been working on and then just had a chat. The first thing I learned is that when you ask people to come along and show what they've done, it's a small meeting. 

This was great for those that turned up because it gave me the opportunity to have a good chat with the people who are genuinely interested in making stuff. I learned a lot about my robot, boot scripts, PIDs,  analogue gpios, transferring files, stepper motors and methods of driving them. It was also good to chat to 4th yr+ students about their experiences so I know what to expect.
It turns out my idea of trying to get a % reading from my IR sensors rather than an on/off reading is an actual thing, I just need to convert the signal to analogue and then decide what to do with it. I could do this with my teensy, also,  if I want more than 3 sensors to improve accuracy then I can make a circuit board on eagle and print it out. Everything is coming together.

I didn't join a society to get drinking buddies, I've got more of those than I can handle and if a society is just a branded drinking club I can do without it. This society is my kind of thing; a group of people who are genuinely interested and active in the subject rather than a load of people just wearing society t shirts and getting pissed.  I think I would enjoy getting pissed though...

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