Monday 12 October 2015

Selectimg some parts

I had a look at raspberry pis and thought that this would be a good start as I was already doing some stuff on code academy in python.  I also liked the scratch language that can be used for exploring the concept of programming without getting bogged down in the detail of the code.

I set up a pinterest board and started getting a shopping list together.
I quite like this as it enables me to have a visual bookmark for relevant stuff.
I also found a magazine called the magpi which is produced by the pi guys; this months edition had an article on making a line following robot which was handy.  I felt it was important not to copy this.
Basic shopping list was: battery and method of distribution, pi 2, motor driver, motors x 2, ultrasonic and line sensors.  I didnt know what else I needed at this point.

The robosoc sorted me right out, I came out with a dagu rover 5 tracked chassis with motors and encoders, a motor driver, raspberry pi 2, radio things.

I had no idea what I was doing.

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