Saturday 24 October 2015

Week 4, proper assembly

Made some good progress this week. Attended a lecture on basic programming which was useful; a lot of it went over my head but I think its important to try and absorb it anyway. I spent half the time googling words that were being used and am becoming more familiar with the terminology.

I got my mounting board printed and the measurements were fine however I had trouble mounting the motor driver board due to the bolts I was using being to long and hitting the battery. Still, 2 of the bolts were fine so I just used 2.  I put the batteries in for the motor and then removed them after bridging the wires with my arm. I figured I shouldn't fit them all until its ready to roll.  This reminded me why I've never liked electricity; you can't see it and it can kill you.

I spent some time on friday evening wiring it up and then went to the pub and drank some beer.

On Saturday morning the ubec cable I had ordered was deivered so this got attached too, I think it is now at the stage where I can get it to do stuff.

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