Monday 12 October 2015

First tinkering

I thought id try and get my head around all the connections on the boards; this took a while as I didn't even know which type of components I had. I googled the shit out of it and managed to work out how to connect the motor driver to the chassis.  At this point I realised I was gonna need some more stuff.

Luckily ben posted up on fb that he had some more kit, after a quick trip to his robotics cave in sackville street building I had an sd card for the pi, a couple of servo's for a tilt and pan mount and an arduino.

I liked the look of the arduino as it was smaller than the pi and it seemed to be more intuitive to connect due to the pins being labelled.

I then went on ryanteck and picked up some connecting wires, a line follower, resistors, tiny snips and tweezers as the ones I use for my bike were ridiculous. This turned up on saturday with some haribo which helped my hangover.

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